ホーム > お知らせ:Fortinet NSE 6 NSE6_WCS-6.4 試験は 2022 年 10 月 31 日に廃止された
お知らせ:Fortinet NSE 6 NSE6_WCS-6.4 試験は 2022 年 10 月 31 日に廃止された
NSE6_WCS-6.4 試験は、AWS に基づくパブリック クラウド ネットワーク環境でのフォーティネット ソリューションに関する合格者の知識と専門知識を認定するフォーティネット NSE 6 認定試験です。 Fortinet NSE 6 NSE6_WCS-6.4試験は、1 つ以上のフォーティネット ソリューションで構成される AWS パブリック クラウド セキュリティ インフラストラクチャの構成と管理を担当する、ネットワークおよびセキュリティの専門家を対象としています。我々は準備に役立つ最新のNSE6_WCS-6.4実際試験問題を解いています。

注: Fortinet NSE6_WCS-6.4 試験は 2022 年 10 月 31 日に廃止され、新しいアップグレード テストは NSE6_WCS-7.0 になります。

フォーティネット NSE 6 NSE6_WCS-6.4 試験
Fortinet NSE 6 NSE6_WCS-6.4 試験では、AWS での Fortinet セキュリティ ソリューションの構成と管理に関する応用知識が問われ、展開と管理のタスク、構成の抽出、トラブルシューティングのシナリオが含まれます。
言語: 英語
採点: 合格または不合格、スコア レポートはピアソン VUE アカウントから入手できます
NSE6_WCS-6.4 Fortinet NSE 6-Fortinet Cloud Security 6.4 トピックによる AWS の保護
以下は、Fortinet NSE 6-Securing AWS with Fortinet Cloud Security 6.4 NSE6_WCS-6.4 試験のトピックの詳細です。
Fortinet NSE6_WCS-6.4 実際問題集を共有します
Fortinet NSE6_WCS-6.4 実際試験問題は、上記の Fortinet NSE 6-Securing AWS with Fortinet Cloud Security 6.4 NSE6_WCS-6.4 試験のトピックを学習するのに最適な素材です。 以下のFortinet NSE 6 NSE6_WCS-6.4試験の実際の質問と回答を共有してください。

1. You want to deploy FortiGate for AWS to protect your production network in the cloud. but you do not need the 2417 support available in the enterprise bundle. Which license model do you choose?
A. Bring your own license (BYOL).
B. pay as you go (PAYG).
C. Pay as a bundle (PAYB).
D. Bring your own device (BYOD)
Answer: B

2. Which features are only available on FortiWeb when compared to Fortinet Managed Rules for AWS WAF?
A. FortiWeb provides web application attack signatures.
B. FortiWeb can scan web application vulnerabilities.
C. FortiWeb provides a WAF subscription (FortiGuard) option.
D. FortiWeb meets PCI 6.6 compliance.
Answer: B

3. You connected to the AWS Management Console at 10:00 AM and verified that there are two FortiGate VMS running, You receive a call from a user reporting about a temporary slow Internet connection that lasted only a few minutes. When you go back to the AWS portal. you notice there are now two additional FortiGate VMS that you did not create. Later that day, the number of VMS returns to two without your intervention. A similar situation occurs several times during the week. What is the most likely reason for this to happen?
A. The VMS are in an availability group with dynamic membership.
B. Autoscaling is configured to act as described in the scenario.
C. The user ran a script to create the extra VMS to get faster connectivity.
D. The AWS portal is not refreshed automatically. and another administrator is creating and removing the VMS as needed.
Answer: B

4. You want to deploy the Fortinet HA cloud formation template to stage and bootstrap the FortiGate configuration in the same that you created your VPC, Which is Ohio US-East-2. Based on this information, Which statement is correct?
A. You must create an S3 bucket to stage and bootstrap FortiGate with an FGCP unicast configuration in the Ohio US-East-2 region.
B. You must create an S3 bucket to stage and bootstrap FortiGate with an FGCP multicast configuration in the Ohio US-East-2 region.
C. You must create an S3 bucket to stage and bootstrap FortiGate with an FGCP unicast configuration in any region.
D. The Fortinet HA cloud formation template automatically creates an S3 bucket.
Answer: D

5. You want to deploy FortiGate for AWS to protect your production network in the cloud. but you do not need the 2417 support available in the enterprise bundle. Which license model do you choose?
A. pay as you go (PAYG).
B. Bring your own device (BYOD)
C. Bring your own license (BYOL).
D. Pay as a bundle (PAYB).
Answer: A

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