IBM Certified Advanced Architect - Cloud v2 C1000-176推奨される試験参考書-ktest
C1000-176 IBM Cloud Advanced Architect v2 試験に合格すると、IBM 認証資格 IBM Certified Advanced Architect - Cloud v2 認定を取得できます。 ktestは最近、試験に必要なすべての重要な内容をカバーするように設計された IBM Cloud Advanced Architect v2 C1000-176 ダンプの最新セットをリリースしました。 主題の包括的なレビューを提供するだけでなく、受験者が試験の構造と形式に慣れることもできます。 これらの IBM Cloud Advanced Architect v2 C1000-176試験参考書を使用すると、受験者は自信を持って試験の準備をすることができ、最初の試行で C1000-176 IBM Cloud Advanced Architect v2 試験に合格する可能性が高まります。
IBM Certified Advanced Architect – Cloud v2 の指定を取得した個人には、少なくとも 3 年間の実務経験が求められます。 彼らの専門知識は主に、IBM Cloud 上のコスト効率が高く回復力のあるアーキテクチャーの設計を中心に展開する必要があります。 これらのアーキテクチャは、顧客のニーズを満たすだけでなく、最高の業界標準とベスト プラクティスに準拠する必要があります。 適切な IBM Cloud サービスの選択は、さまざまなアプリケーションや顧客の特定の要件を徹底的に理解することを伴う、彼らの役割のもう 1 つの重要な側面です。 さらに、彼らはこれらのタスクをほとんど、あるいはまったく援助なしで実行し、高いレベルの独立性と問題解決スキルを発揮することが期待されています。
IT アーキテクチャとクラウド ソリューション パターンの使用
包括的な IBM Cloud ソリューションの設計
Kubernetes および OpenShift ソリューションの設計
IBM Cloud Professional Architect 認定試験で取り上げられるトピック
試験コード: C1000-176
試験名: IBM Cloud Advanced Architect v2
質問数: 60
合格する問題の数: 37
言語: 英語
価格: $200 米ドル
認定資格: IBM Certified Advanced Architect - Cloud v2
セクション 1: 安全なソリューションをゼロから設計する17%
セクション 2: IBM Cloud で応答時間、スループット、コスト目標を維持するための戦略12%
セクション 3: 運用と自動化を容易にするソリューションの設計15%
セクション 4: 停止後も存続し、自動修復を実行できるソリューションを設計する18%
セクション 5: 要件を満たすためにさまざまなアーキテクチャー?パターンを適用する IBM Cloud サービスを使用したソリューションの設計10%
セクション 6: ハイブリッド マルチクラウド プラットフォーム アーキテクチャの設計13%
セクション 7: クラウドの移行とモダナイゼーション15%
IBM Cloud Advanced Architect v2 C1000-176 無料試験問題集を共有します
1. When applying IBM Cloud security best practices, which of the following measures is crucial for protecting data at rest?
A. Use of IBM Cloud Internet Services
B. Implementation of regular data backups
C. Encryption of data using IBM Key Protect
D. Frequent password rotation for user accounts
Answer: C
2. A company has deployed a CRM application on IBM Cloud, which records information about customer sales, as well as customer interaction and the channels they use. The marketing department wants to run complex reporting jobs against the data set, which is located in an IBM Cloud Databases for PostgreSQL instance, but the IT department is worried about the impact this might have on response times for other users.
What can the IT department do to mitigate this concern?
A. Implement a read-replica of the PostgreSQL database and make it the target for the reporting jobs
B. Export the relevant PostgreSQL tables into YAML files and use Data Engine to query them
C. Add a new member to the PostgreSQL instance cluster and mark it as reportmaster
D. Ensure that the PostgreSQL instance is in the closest MZR to the marketing department
Answer: A
3. Which infrastructure as code ((IaC) approach defines the desired final state of the infrastructure?
A. Exclamatory
B. Interrogative
C. Imperative
D. Declarative
Answer: D
4. A novice team is developing their first e-commerce application that will run in a Red Hat Openshift cluster in IBM Cloud. They built a single microservice to handle two distinct functionalities: inventory operations and payment processing.
What is the best advice that you could give to the team to improve the scalability, security, and resiliency of their application?
A. Separate the functionalities into two distinct microservices. Each microservice should have a single responsibility
B. Combine other business functionalities into the single microservice. A selfcontained binary is more secure
C. Use Source-to-Image (S2I) to analyze runtime metrics. A microservice should always provide high degrees of observability
D. Routinely reload cluster nodes to achieve high resiliency and loose coupling of application components
Answer: A
5. The process of modernizing applications and moving to the cloud can be a large undertaking. Upon the initial discussion with the client, the architect found that most of the existing applications are built both on IBM WebSphere and Oracle WebLogic.
To determine the complexity of the applications estimates and development cost to complete a move to the cloud or suggests a target environment, what should the architect use?
A. Transformation Advisor
B. DevOps Commander
C. Transition Manager
D. CF Discovery Module
Answer: C
6. Which IBM Cloud service can an architect use to automate provisioning infrastructure?
A. Ansible
B. Schematics
C. Playbooks
D. Kubernetes
Answer: B
7. An Architect designed an application to run across multiple IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service clusters from different regions. What should the Architect utilize to direct the traffic across clusters?
A. Direct Link Connect
B. VPC Network Load Balancer
C. IBM Cloud Internet Services
D. Transit Gateway
Answer: C
8. What is infrastructure as code (IaC)?
A. A method of provisioning IT infrastructure using descriptive code
B. A method for a cloud services provider to supply computing resources
C. Cloud computing components such as hardware, virtualized resources, storage, and networking
D. The process of collecting and analyzing data from IT infrastructure
Answer: A
9. Which IBM Cloud service can be deployed to reduce latency when serving static content such as documents, images, and video to end users dispersed across multiple geographies?
A. IBM Cloud VPC Bare Metal Server
B. IBM Cloud Databases read-replica instance
C. IBM Content Delivery Network
D. IBM Cloud Direct Link Connect
Answer: C
10. An enterprise needs to deploy a compute solution for a custom AIX image. Which IBM Cloud IaaS offering could be used?
A. Bare metal servers on VPC
B. Virtual servers on VPC with custom images
C. VMware vSphere Server (VSS)
D. Power Systems Virtual Servers
Answer: D