IBM Certified Administrator - Instana V1.0.243 C1000-161試験問題集-日本語版と英語版-ktest
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IBM Certified Administrator on IBM Instana V1.0.243 は、Instana に関する広範な知識と経験を持つ経験豊富な管理者向けの中級認定資格です。 この管理者は、初日のアクティビティ (インストールと構成)?? に関連するタスクを実行できます。 管理者は、Day 2 の管理と運用、セキュリティ、更新、カスタマイズ、統合、および問題の特定にも責任を負います。 この管理者は、SaaS 環境とオンプレミス環境の両方で作業できるようになります。
試験 C1000-161: IBM Instana V1.0.243 管理
質問数: 60
合格に必要な問題数: 41
言語: 英語
試験ごとの料金: 200 ドル
認定: IBM 認定管理者 - Instana V1.0.243
パート 1: Instana のコンセプト 14%
IBM Instana アーキテクチャについて説明します。
パート 2: インストール 17%
Instana バックエンドを Kubernetes/OpenShift にインストールします。
Instana バックエンドを Docker にインストールします。
Instana エージェントをインストールします。
パート 3: 構成 17%
パート 4: 運用 22%
サービス レベル目標 (SLO) を構成します。
Instana クエリ言語を使用してフィルターします。
パート 5: アクセス管理 8%
セクション 6: 統合 10%
サードパーティのアラート ツールと統合します。
CI/CD パイプラインと統合します。
API トークンを作成し、トークンの権限を設定します。
パート 7: トラブルシューティング 12%
IBM Instana V1.0.243 Administration C1000-161 無料問題集を共有します
1. What is an essential consideration when deploying IBM Instana in a hybrid cloud environment?
A. Ensuring compatibility with only IBM cloud services
B. Neglecting private cloud resources as they are inherently secure
C. Monitoring across both on-premises and cloud environments
D. Focusing exclusively on the public cloud components
Answer: C
2. What is a common practice when configuring authentication to enhance security?
A. Using simple passwords for ease of memory
B. Enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA)
C. Allowing unlimited login attempts
D. Using the same password for multiple users
Answer: B
3. Which considerations are important when scheduling maintenance windows in Instana?
A. Specifying the impacted services or applications
B. Defining the maintenance window duration
C. Automatically disabling all alerts for the system
D. Notifying team members about the maintenance schedule
Answer: ABD
4. When upgrading the Instana Backend On-Prem, what best practices should be followed?
A. Sequentially upgrading components based on their dependencies
B. Isolating the upgrade environment from production
C. Direct upgrade to the latest version from any older version
D. Ensuring that there is a rollback plan in case the upgrade fails
Answer: ABD
5. How can the Instana Query Language be utilized to filter data effectively?
A. By applying it to create customized dashboards
B. To generate specific alerts based on complex criteria
C. To restrict user access to sensitive data
D. To automate incident response workflows
Answer: AB
6. When troubleshooting installation issues, what common aspect should be verified first?
A. If the device is plugged in
B. Compatibility of the agent with the operating system
C. Color of the device casing
D. Brand of the computer hardware
Answer: B
7. Which of the following are prerequisites for installing Instana backend on Kubernetes/OpenShift?
A. Sufficient memory and CPU resources
B. A specific namespace dedicated to Instana
C. An existing PostgreSQL database
D. Internet access from the Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster
Answer: ABD
8. Which of the following is NOT typically a feature of group management in access control systems?
A. Bulk user import
B. Automatic group assignment based on user attributes
C. Individual file encryption
D. Nested group memberships
Answer: C
9. In the context of CI/CD pipelines, what does the integration of third-party tools typically facilitate?
A. Reduced collaboration among team members
B. Increased manual intervention in deployment processes
C. Enhanced automation and efficiency in software delivery
D. Decreased visibility into the development process
Answer: C
10. What role do third-party logging tools play in compliance and security?
A. They eliminate the need for logging altogether.
B. They ensure that logs are tampered with easily.
C. They help in auditing and forensic analysis by securely storing logs.
D. They make log data publicly accessible for transparency.
Answer: C